Vintage Travel: Dubai

Was hit with a bit of inspiration today and now want to create a series of vintage-style travel posters based on places I have been. In particular, I want to explore different ā€“ and unexpected ā€“ ways of incorporating colour in my designs. First up: Dubai, United Arab Emirates, which I visited in 2016.

Connect with me if interested in purchasing a signed, limited edition print. 


June 1956

My mother, age seven, at her first communion at Saint-Boniface Cathedral in Winnipeg, Manitoba. These are the first images I've seen of my mother as a child. They are beautiful and haunting, depicting a life that I am connected to yet I look at in wonder, as it feels so very, very foreign to my own upbringing. 

First communion is an important rite of passage for followers of the Catholic Church. The tradition takes place when a person first receives the Eucharist (a commemoration of Jesus' last supper) signalling confirmation in the faith. Religion had a large influence on my mother throughout adolescence and young adulthood. She attended mass every Sunday. She even attended a Catholic school where she was taught by nuns (later intimating that she was physically abused by them). Eventually she would part ways with the ceremonial aspect of Catholicism, becoming disillusioned with it, but the core teachings it instilled in her ā€“ to always aim for moral good and have belief in the power of prayer ā€“ remain to this day. On this note, another beautiful, haunting image that will always stay with me, not caught on film but seared into my memory for eternity, is of my mom feverishly praying during the final months of my father's life. She always believed. Always. Religion carries some. It awakens others. 

In contrast, I am not baptized and have never even set foot in Church. 


Oblada Vintage

I've been updating my portfolio the last while and came across some pieces I designed/illustrated that I haven't seen in ages. Like this Marilyn Monroe typographic illustration (circa 2003). Typography is one of my main interests of practice right now (in addition to emerging technologies like augmented reality). I'm not particularly fond of this illustration as I feel it's a bit pedestrian in execution, but I would like to revisit the concept and do an updated series: 

Then there's this campaign for Winnipeg's Millennium Library (circa 2007) that was developed in collaboration with Peter Skakum and Carol Marshall of Tangent Strategies. It included transit advertising, direct-mail, brochures and more with the sole intent of generating financial donations in order to buy more books to fill the shelves with new worlds of imagination. We had a lot of fun creating this (but it also helped to have a client that was completely open to anything). The campaign was so popular that an auction was held for the in-branch banners that were located at all #YWG library branches. My favorite of the seven-part series was always the Paris Hilton heiress one. It's like a timecapsule of 2007. I still like the concept (would tweak aspects of the design if redoing today) and it's one of my favorite portfolio pieces.